Preparing for Our Call:
Thank you for booking your call. We value your time and aim to make our conversation as effective as possible. In order to ensure this, we kindly ask that you prepare in the following ways:
- Safe & Focused Setting: Please ensure you are in a productive environment to be able to concentrate and pay attention to what we are discussing. You shouldn't be driving during our call. Your safety and full attention are paramount.
- Technical Set-Up: Have access to a laptop or computer. This allows us to share screens or view documents together.
- Decision Makers: To make the most of our call, please ensure that any and all decision-makers related to our discussion are present.
- Quiet Environment: Kindly arrange for a quiet space to minimize disruptions and background noise.
- Strong Internet Connection: A stable connection ensures our conversation proceeds without hitches.
- Have Pen & Paper Handy: This will be useful for any notes you might want to take.
- Relevant Documents: If there are materials or documents related to our discussion, please have them accessible.
- Know Your Agenda: If there are specific topics or questions you'd like to cover, please have them prepared.
Your preparation is appreciated